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Current “Zulu” Military Time, Time Zone

11:07:16 UTC

Thursday, 30 January 2025


In military time, Zulu means UTC.

List of military time zones

Other names: Z / Zulu Time Zone
Time Zone: UTC
Longitude: 0° (Prime Meridian)
At sea: Longitudes between 7.5° West and 7.5° East

Time Zone

No UTC/GMT offset
No Daylight Saving Time in 2025


“Zulu” Military Time is a fixed time zone that never observes Daylight Saving Time


8 hours behind
Hong Kong

Why is Zulu Time Called Zulu Time?

Zulu time is the military name for UTC and is used primarily in aviation, at sea, and in the army. Its time is fixed at prime meridian: 0°(zero degrees) longitude; this position is the reason for its other names Z-Time and Zero Time.

Zulu itself came about because pilots wanted to make themselves understood over the radio. The “Z” in Z-Time became “Zebra” and later “Zulu” when the NATO phonetic alphabet changed.

“Zulu” Military Time
Time Zone
Thursday, 30 January 2025