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Jul5 Fun Holiday – Workaholics Day

July 5 is Workaholics Day, a day dedicated to people who spend all their time working and tend to ignore other pursuits in life.

An accountant doing financial reports while surrounded by huge piles of documents.

Take some time off work for yourself on Workaholics Day.


The unofficial holiday raises awareness about the fact that all work and no play can be harmful to the mental and physical health of workers. The day encourages workaholics to make lifestyle changes so that they give other aspects of their lives as much importance as their work.

How to Celebrate?

  • If there is a workaholic in your life, ask them to take the day off and take them out to do something fun. Perhaps a trip to a theme park or a hike?
  • Make a nice meal for the workaholic in your life and tell them about the problems associated with working all the time.
  • If you are a workaholic, take the day off to reevaluate your life and take some time off for yourself.

Did You Know...

...workaholic is a portmanteau word. It comes from combining two words - work and alcoholic. The term was first used extensively to refer to people who excessively and compulsively work in the late 1960s.

Workaholics Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Workaholics Day Observances
2025Sat5 JulWorkaholics Day
2026Sun5 JulWorkaholics Day
2027Mon5 JulWorkaholics Day
2028Wed5 JulWorkaholics Day
2029Thu5 JulWorkaholics Day
2030Fri5 JulWorkaholics Day
2031Sat5 JulWorkaholics Day
2032Mon5 JulWorkaholics Day
2033Tue5 JulWorkaholics Day
2034Wed5 JulWorkaholics Day

See all Fun Holidays

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