Clocks Go Back 1 Hour in USA & Canada on Nov 5, 2017
Most of the United States, Canada, and Mexico's northern border cities end Daylight Saving Time (DST) on Sunday, November 5, 2017.

DST ends on Sun, Nov 5, 2017.
Clocks will be set back 1 hour to standard time from 02:00 (2 am) to 01:00 (1 am), local time.
Lighter Mornings
Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Sunday, November 5, 2017 than the day before, so there will be more light in the morning.
DST starts again on Sunday, March 11, 2018.
Most of the US on DST
Almost all of the United States uses DST. Hawaii and most of Arizona are the only 2 US states that do not change their clocks.
None of the US dependencies, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Northern Marina Islands, the US Minor Outlying Islands, and the US Virgin Islands, observe DST.
DST in Canada
Most of Canada uses Daylight Saving Time, and clocks are set at the same time as in the US.
Areas that don't use DST include most of Saskatchewan, some locations in Québec east of 63° west longitude (e.g., Blanc-Sablon), Southampton Island, and some areas in British Columbia.
Studied DST
In Massachusetts, USA, a special commission assigned to study the effects of removing the twice-yearly change of DST concluded that the benefits outweighed the problems. However, the commission recommended that the change only be made if neighboring states did the same.
In Alberta, Canada, a legislative committee set to study the effects of permanent DST recommended the Canadian province to scrap the idea and rather push for a national change. It warned that the change could lead to economic losses.
Mexico DST Divided
A few northern Mexican border towns, such as Tijuana and Juarez City (Ciudad Juárez), end DST on November 5, along with the US and Canada.
However, most of Mexico ends DST 1 week earlier, on Sunday, October 29, 2017, when Europe's DST ends. Sonora and Quintana Roo do not observe DST at all.
Other areas ending DST on November 5 are Cuba, Bermuda, The Bahamas, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and Thule Air Base in Greenland.
Set Clocks Back or Ahead?
To remember which way to set your watch, keep in mind one of these sayings: “Spring forward, fall back” or “Spring ahead, fall behind.” The clocks spring ahead (= losing 1 hour) in the spring when DST starts and fall behind 1 hour (= gaining 1 hour) when DST ends in the fall.