USA & Canada end Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, November 3, 2013
Daylight saving time (DST) will end in most areas in the United States and Canada at 2:00 a.m. (02:00) local time on Sunday, November 3, 2013. Clocks will fall back by 1 hour. Some areas in both countries do not observe DST.

DST map of the U.S. and Canada. In the striped areas, DST will end on Sunday, November 3, 2013.
Europe DST ends October 27, 2013
DST dates Worldwide — second half of 2013
See the total solar eclipse on November 3
DST exceptions in the U.S.
Although there have been initiatives to scrap seasonal time change in some states, there were no alterations in the regulations since the beginning of this year's DST period on March 10, 2013. While clocks in most U.S. states and territories will fall back 1 hour on November 3, the following areas did not observe DST this season and will not adjust their local time:
- Arizona (except Navajo Nation Community, which observes DST)
- Hawaii
- American Samoa
- Guam
- Puerto Rico
- The United States Virgin Islands
DST exceptions in Canada
There have not been any recent changes to the DST regulations in Canada either. The following areas do not observe DST and will not fall back 1 hour on November 3:
- Some regions in Québec, east of 63° west longitude (e.g. Blanc-Sablon)
- Most of Saskatchewan(except Lloydminster, Denare Beach, and Creighton, which observe DST)
- Southampton Islandin Nunavut
- Some areas in British Columbia (e.g. Dawson Creekand Creston)
- Some communities in Northwestern Ontario (e.g. Atikokan)
Mexican Border Cities follow U.S.
As in past years, Mexico’s northern border cities, like Juarez City (Ciudad Juárez), are expected to follow the United States' DST schedule. However, most of Mexico, including the capital Mexico City, will fall back 1 week earlier, on Sunday, October 27, 2013. Most of Europe ends DST on the same date.
Other countries ending DST on November 3, 2013
The following countries and territories are also expected to switch back from DST to standard time on the same date:
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Cuba
- Bermuda
- Some areas in Greenland (e.g. Qaanaaq)
- Haiti
- The Bahamas
- Turks and Caicos Islands
Note: Last minute changes are common in some of these countries and territories. will provide updates if there are any changes.
Florida's DST future uncertain
Senator Darren Soto has started an initiative to observe DST year-round in Florida. His “Sunshine Protection Act” has been prefiled for consideration during the 2014 regular session.