Country: | United Kingdom |
Long Name: | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Abbreviations: | UK, GBR |
Capital: | London |
Time Zones: | 1 (Main Country) |
Total Time Zones: | 9 (with dependencies) |
Dial Code: | +44 |
Time in Dependencies of United Kingdom | |||
Dependency | Type | Example City | Time |
Anguilla | Overseas territory | The Valley | Thu 07:42 |
Bermuda | Overseas territory | Hamilton | Thu 07:42 |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Overseas territory | Diego Garcia | Thu 17:42 |
British Virgin Islands | Overseas territory | Road Town | Thu 07:42 |
Cayman Islands | Overseas territory | George Town | Thu 06:42 |
Falkland Islands | Overseas territory | Stanley | Thu 08:42 |
Gibraltar | Overseas territory | Gibraltar | Thu 12:42 |
Guernsey | Crown dependency | St. Peter Port | Thu 11:42 |
Isle of Man | Crown dependency | Douglas | Thu 11:42 |
Jersey | Crown dependency | Saint Helier | Thu 11:42 |
Montserrat | Overseas territory | Brades | Thu 07:42 |
Pitcairn Islands | Overseas territory | Adamstown | Thu 03:42 |
Saint Helena | Overseas territory | Jamestown | Thu 11:42 |
South Georgia/Sandwich Is. | Overseas territory | King Edward Point | Thu 09:42 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Overseas territory | Cockburn Town | Thu 06:42 |
Current Local Time in Locations in United Kingdom with Links for More Information (213 Locations) | |||||
Aberdeen | Thu 11:42 | Epsom | Thu 11:42 | Oban | Thu 11:42 |
Aberystwyth | Thu 11:42 | Exeter | Thu 11:42 | Oldham | Thu 11:42 |
Airdrie | Thu 11:42 | Falkirk | Thu 11:42 | Omagh | Thu 11:42 |
Alnwick | Thu 11:42 | Fauldhouse | Thu 11:42 | Oxford | Thu 11:42 |
Armagh | Thu 11:42 | Faversham | Thu 11:42 | Penrith | Thu 11:42 |
Aylesbury | Thu 11:42 | Felixstowe | Thu 11:42 | Penzance | Thu 11:42 |
Bangor | Thu 11:42 | Fort William | Thu 11:42 | Perth | Thu 11:42 |
Barnsley | Thu 11:42 | Fraserburgh | Thu 11:42 | Peterborough | Thu 11:42 |
Basildon | Thu 11:42 | Gillingham | Thu 11:42 | Pitlochry | Thu 11:42 |
Bath | Thu 11:42 | Glasgow | Thu 11:42 | Plymouth | Thu 11:42 |
Bedford | Thu 11:42 | Glastonbury | Thu 11:42 | Poole | Thu 11:42 |
Belfast | Thu 11:42 | Gloucester | Thu 11:42 | Portree | Thu 11:42 |
Berwick-upon-Tweed | Thu 11:42 | Great Yarmouth | Thu 11:42 | Portsmouth | Thu 11:42 |
Bicester | Thu 11:42 | Greenwich Borough | Thu 11:42 | Preston | Thu 11:42 |
Bideford | Thu 11:42 | Grimsby | Thu 11:42 | Prestwick | Thu 11:42 |
Birmingham | Thu 11:42 | Guildford | Thu 11:42 | Reading | Thu 11:42 |
Blackburn | Thu 11:42 | Hartlepool | Thu 11:42 | Ripon | Thu 11:42 |
Blackpool | Thu 11:42 | Harwich | Thu 11:42 | Romsey | Thu 11:42 |
Blandford Forum | Thu 11:42 | Hastings | Thu 11:42 | Rotherham | Thu 11:42 |
Bodmin | Thu 11:42 | Hatfield | Thu 11:42 | Runcorn | Thu 11:42 |
Bolton | Thu 11:42 | Haywards Heath | Thu 11:42 | Salford | Thu 11:42 |
Bournemouth | Thu 11:42 | Hereford | Thu 11:42 | Salisbury | Thu 11:42 |
Bracknell | Thu 11:42 | Hexham | Thu 11:42 | Sheffield | Thu 11:42 |
Bradford | Thu 11:42 | High Wycombe | Thu 11:42 | Shrewsbury | Thu 11:42 |
Brentwood | Thu 11:42 | Hinckley | Thu 11:42 | Silverstone | Thu 11:42 |
Bridlington | Thu 11:42 | Hitchin | Thu 11:42 | Skegness | Thu 11:42 |
Brighton | Thu 11:42 | Holyhead | Thu 11:42 | Skelmersdale | Thu 11:42 |
Bristol | Thu 11:42 | Horsham | Thu 11:42 | Slough | Thu 11:42 |
Bromley | Thu 11:42 | Huddersfield | Thu 11:42 | Solihull | Thu 11:42 |
Burnley | Thu 11:42 | Hugh Town | Thu 11:42 | Southampton | Thu 11:42 |
Bury | Thu 11:42 | Huntingdon | Thu 11:42 | Southend-on-Sea | Thu 11:42 |
Camberley | Thu 11:42 | Inverness | Thu 11:42 | St Andrews | Thu 11:42 |
Cambridge | Thu 11:42 | Ipswich | Thu 11:42 | St Davids | Thu 11:42 |
Canterbury | Thu 11:42 | Jarrow | Thu 11:42 | St Helens | Thu 11:42 |
Canvey Island | Thu 11:42 | Kelso | Thu 11:42 | Stafford | Thu 11:42 |
Cardiff | Thu 11:42 | Kendal | Thu 11:42 | Stevenage | Thu 11:42 |
Carlisle | Thu 11:42 | Kettering | Thu 11:42 | Stirling | Thu 11:42 |
Caversham | Thu 11:42 | King's Lynn | Thu 11:42 | Stockport | Thu 11:42 |
Chatham | Thu 11:42 | Kingston upon Hull | Thu 11:42 | Stoke-on-Trent | Thu 11:42 |
Chatteris | Thu 11:42 | Kirkwall (Orkney Islands) | Thu 11:42 | Stornoway | Thu 11:42 |
Chelmsford | Thu 11:42 | Lancaster | Thu 11:42 | Sudbury | Thu 11:42 |
Cheltenham | Thu 11:42 | Launceston | Thu 11:42 | Sunderland | Thu 11:42 |
Chesham | Thu 11:42 | Leeds | Thu 11:42 | Sutton Coldfield | Thu 11:42 |
Chester | Thu 11:42 | Leicester | Thu 11:42 | Swanage | Thu 11:42 |
Chesterfield | Thu 11:42 | Lerwick (Shetland Islands) | Thu 11:42 | Swansea | Thu 11:42 |
Chichester | Thu 11:42 | Lichfield | Thu 11:42 | Swindon | Thu 11:42 |
Clacton-on-Sea | Thu 11:42 | Lincoln | Thu 11:42 | Tamworth | Thu 11:42 |
Cleethorpes | Thu 11:42 | Lindisfarne | Thu 11:42 | Taunton | Thu 11:42 |
Clitheroe | Thu 11:42 | Lisburn | Thu 11:42 | Telford | Thu 11:42 |
Coatbridge | Thu 11:42 | Liverpool | Thu 11:42 | Thornton-Cleveleys | Thu 11:42 |
Colchester | Thu 11:42 | London | Thu 11:42 | Truro | Thu 11:42 |
Colwyn Bay | Thu 11:42 | Londonderry | Thu 11:42 | Uckfield | Thu 11:42 |
Coventry | Thu 11:42 | Loughborough | Thu 11:42 | Uxbridge | Thu 11:42 |
Craigavon | Thu 11:42 | Loughton | Thu 11:42 | Wakefield | Thu 11:42 |
Crawley | Thu 11:42 | Lowestoft | Thu 11:42 | Walsall | Thu 11:42 |
Croydon | Thu 11:42 | Luton | Thu 11:42 | Warrington | Thu 11:42 |
Darlington | Thu 11:42 | Maidstone | Thu 11:42 | Watford | Thu 11:42 |
Dartmouth | Thu 11:42 | Manchester | Thu 11:42 | Wellingborough | Thu 11:42 |
Derby | Thu 11:42 | Mansfield | Thu 11:42 | West Bromwich | Thu 11:42 |
Doncaster | Thu 11:42 | Market Harborough | Thu 11:42 | Weston-Super-Mare | Thu 11:42 |
Dover | Thu 11:42 | Middlesbrough | Thu 11:42 | Weymouth | Thu 11:42 |
Dudley | Thu 11:42 | Milton Keynes | Thu 11:42 | Whitstable | Thu 11:42 |
Dumbarton | Thu 11:42 | Minehead | Thu 11:42 | Winchester | Thu 11:42 |
Dumfries | Thu 11:42 | Morpeth | Thu 11:42 | Witney | Thu 11:42 |
Dundee | Thu 11:42 | Newcastle upon Tyne | Thu 11:42 | Wokingham | Thu 11:42 |
Dunfermline | Thu 11:42 | Newport | Thu 11:42 | Wolverhampton | Thu 11:42 |
Durham | Thu 11:42 | Newport (Isle of Wight) | Thu 11:42 | Worcester | Thu 11:42 |
Eastbourne | Thu 11:42 | Newtown | Thu 11:42 | Worthing | Thu 11:42 |
Edinburgh | Thu 11:42 | Northampton | Thu 11:42 | Yatton | Thu 11:42 |
Ely | Thu 11:42 | Norwich | Thu 11:42 | Yeovil | Thu 11:42 |
Enfield | Thu 11:42 | Nottingham | Thu 11:42 | York | Thu 11:42 |

United Kingdom
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Tools & Converters

- London Heathrow Airport, LHR
- London Gatwick Airport, LGW
- Manchester Airport, MAN
- London Stansted Airport, STN
- Birmingham International Airport, West Midlands, BHX
- London Luton Airport, LTN