Steffen Thorsen
Steffen Thorsen is the founder, owner, and CEO of Time and Date AS.

Steffen's Vision
What Steffen started as a student project in 1995, has grown into the world-leading online resource for time and time zone tools with 1 to 2 million users daily.
“I want to be an accessible, informational, accurate, and continuously updated service available all over the world. Ultimately, I want to provide value to the people who use the website.”
Time, World Clock, Time Zones, Time Difference, Date Calculators, Lunar Eclipses, Weather, Meeting Planner, Timers, Countdowns, Calendars, Meteor Showers Holidays, Sunrise, Sunset, Moon Phase, Moonrise Moonset, Calling Codes, DST, Solar Eclipses, Astronomical Events, Live broadcasts, Time Zone Maps, Day Length, Astronomical Twilight, Nautical Twilight, Civil Twilight, Solar Noon, Weather, Climate Data, Historical Weather, On-this-day, Fun Holidays, Time Zone News, Planet Locations, Night Sky Viewer, Time, World Clock, Time Zones, Time Difference, Date Calculators, Lunar Eclipses, Weather Calculator, Meeting Planner, Timers, Countdowns, Calendars, Meteor Showers Holidays, Sunrise, Sunset, Moon Phase, Moonrise Moonset, Calling Codes, DST, Solar Eclipses, Astronomical Events, Live broadcasts, Time Zone Maps, Day Length, Astronomical Twilight, Nautical Twilight, Civil Twilight, Solar Noon, Weather, Climate Data, Historical Weather, On-this-day, Fun Holidays, Time Zone News, Planet Locations, Night Sky Viewer
Simplifying life by offering reliable information, quick answers, and great explanations.
History of Our Company
Steffen was studying computer science when he released some of’s early services more than 20 years ago.
Growing Team
Time and Date has gone from Steffen's private passion project to a company employing journalists, programmers, designers, and management. And, we want to grow more!