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Dec8 Fun Holiday – Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

December 8 is Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day.

Abstract science fiction futuristic image.

Pretend that you have just arrived from another dimension.


While the origins of this Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day are unknown, we are certain that the creators of this unofficial holiday wanted people to pretend to be time travelers.

Future or Past

In a general sense, most of us do that every day without pretending - we travel from one second to another. But time travelers are special - they have the ability to move from one point in time to another faster or slower than what us normal humans can do. They can travel in the past or travel in the future.

While most physicists and scientists agree that time traveling can be theoretically achieved, our present day technology and scientific knowledge aren't advanced enough to make it a reality.

How to Celebrate?

All you need to do is to pretend that you can travel through time. Act like you just arrived from another century or even another planet. Here are some more ways you can celebrate this fun holiday:

  • Watch all your favorite time traveling movies and shows.
  • What about hosting a blast from the past party? Choose an era and base the party around the clothing, food and language of that period.
  • Walk around dressed like someone from the past or future. Speak old English or Latin or any other ancient language when asked why you are dressed the way you are.

Did You Know…

…that one of the most popular paradox associated with time travel is the Grandfather Paradox? According to this paradox, if a person goes back into time to kill her/her grandfather before he has biological children and succeeds, then one of the person’s parents would never be born, and therefore, the person in question would not exist. This means that the person could not go back in time to kill his or her grandfather, which would mean that the person’s grandfather would have biological children and the person would exist today.

Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day Observances
2025Mon8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2026Tue8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2027Wed8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2028Fri8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2029Sat8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2030Sun8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2031Mon8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2032Wed8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2033Thu8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day
2034Fri8 DecPretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

See all Fun Holidays

Other Fun Holidays around 8 December

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