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Legend: How to Use the New Year Map
- Hover your mouse over a city (red dot) to see the name of the city and country with current local time and when the city will enter the New Year.
- When you click on the city, you’ll be taken to a New Year Countdown for your chosen city.
- Type your city in the search field and press enter. An automatic countdown to the New Year will be generated for your city. This will be on a new page.
- Click on “Preview” to see what order time zones around the world enter the New Year.
- Hover your mouse over the map to highlight time zones.
- Find the current time offset – displayed in whole hours only – from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) at the bottom of the map. UTC offsets in diagonally striped areas are not by whole hours.
- The map shows current local times at all times and, therefore, changes appearance when areas switch between standard time and DST.
Looking for a time zone map you can use all year round? Go to our standard Time Zone Map