07:34 – 17:18
9 hours, 44 minutes
Current Time: | 30 Jan 2025, 07:01:54 |
Sun Direction: | ↑ 109° East |
Sun Altitude: | -6.2° |
Sun Distance: | 147.381 million km |
Next Equinox: | 20 Mar 2025 04:01 (Vernal) |
Sunrise Today: | 07:34↑ 114° Southeast |
Sunset Today: | 17:18↑ 246° West |
1974 Sun Graph for Minneapolis
January 1974 — Sun in Minneapolis
Scroll right to see more
1974 | Sunrise/Sunset | Daylength | Astronomical Twilight | Nautical Twilight | Civil Twilight | Solar Noon | ||||||
Jan | Sunrise | Sunset | Length | Diff. | Start | End | Start | End | Start | End | Time | Mil. km |
1 | 07:51 ↑ (123°) | 16:42 ↑ (238°) | 8:50:46 | +0:48 | 06:05 | 18:28 | 06:40 | 17:52 | 07:17 | 17:15 | 12:16 (22.1°) | 147.097 |
2 | 07:51 ↑ (122°) | 16:43 ↑ (238°) | 8:51:40 | +0:53 | 06:05 | 18:29 | 06:40 | 17:53 | 07:17 | 17:16 | 12:17 (22.2°) | 147.095 |
3 | 07:51 ↑ (122°) | 16:44 ↑ (238°) | 8:52:38 | +0:58 | 06:05 | 18:30 | 06:40 | 17:54 | 07:17 | 17:17 | 12:17 (22.3°) | 147.094 |
4 | 07:51 ↑ (122°) | 16:45 ↑ (238°) | 8:53:40 | +1:02 | 06:05 | 18:31 | 06:40 | 17:55 | 07:17 | 17:18 | 12:18 (22.4°) | 147.094 |
5 | 07:51 ↑ (122°) | 16:46 ↑ (238°) | 8:54:47 | +1:06 | 06:05 | 18:31 | 06:40 | 17:56 | 07:17 | 17:19 | 12:18 (22.5°) | 147.095 |
Note: hours shift because clocks change forward 1 hour. (See the note below this table for details) | ||||||||||||
6 | 08:51 ↑ (122°) | 17:47 ↑ (238°) | 8:55:58 | +1:11 | 07:05 | 19:32 | 07:40 | 18:57 | 08:17 | 18:20 | 13:18 (22.6°) | 147.097 |
7 | 08:50 ↑ (122°) | 17:48 ↑ (238°) | 8:57:14 | +1:15 | 07:05 | 19:33 | 07:40 | 18:58 | 08:17 | 18:21 | 13:19 (22.7°) | 147.099 |
8 | 08:50 ↑ (121°) | 17:49 ↑ (239°) | 8:58:33 | +1:19 | 07:05 | 19:34 | 07:40 | 18:59 | 08:17 | 18:22 | 13:19 (22.8°) | 147.103 |
9 | 08:50 ↑ (121°) | 17:50 ↑ (239°) | 8:59:57 | +1:23 | 07:05 | 19:35 | 07:40 | 19:00 | 08:17 | 18:23 | 13:20 (23.0°) | 147.108 |
10 | 08:50 ↑ (121°) | 17:51 ↑ (239°) | 9:01:25 | +1:27 | 07:04 | 19:36 | 07:40 | 19:01 | 08:16 | 18:24 | 13:20 (23.1°) | 147.113 |
11 | 08:49 ↑ (121°) | 17:52 ↑ (239°) | 9:02:57 | +1:31 | 07:04 | 19:37 | 07:40 | 19:02 | 08:16 | 18:25 | 13:21 (23.3°) | 147.120 |
12 | 08:49 ↑ (120°) | 17:53 ↑ (240°) | 9:04:32 | +1:35 | 07:04 | 19:38 | 07:39 | 19:03 | 08:16 | 18:26 | 13:21 (23.4°) | 147.128 |
13 | 08:48 ↑ (120°) | 17:55 ↑ (240°) | 9:06:12 | +1:39 | 07:04 | 19:39 | 07:39 | 19:04 | 08:16 | 18:27 | 13:21 (23.6°) | 147.136 |
14 | 08:48 ↑ (120°) | 17:56 ↑ (240°) | 9:07:55 | +1:43 | 07:03 | 19:40 | 07:39 | 19:05 | 08:15 | 18:29 | 13:22 (23.8°) | 147.145 |
15 | 08:47 ↑ (120°) | 17:57 ↑ (240°) | 9:09:41 | +1:46 | 07:03 | 19:41 | 07:38 | 19:06 | 08:15 | 18:30 | 13:22 (24.0°) | 147.155 |
16 | 08:47 ↑ (119°) | 17:58 ↑ (241°) | 9:11:32 | +1:50 | 07:03 | 19:42 | 07:38 | 19:07 | 08:14 | 18:31 | 13:22 (24.2°) | 147.166 |
17 | 08:46 ↑ (119°) | 18:00 ↑ (241°) | 9:13:25 | +1:53 | 07:02 | 19:43 | 07:37 | 19:08 | 08:14 | 18:32 | 13:23 (24.3°) | 147.178 |
18 | 08:46 ↑ (119°) | 18:01 ↑ (241°) | 9:15:22 | +1:56 | 07:02 | 19:45 | 07:37 | 19:10 | 08:13 | 18:33 | 13:23 (24.5°) | 147.190 |
19 | 08:45 ↑ (118°) | 18:02 ↑ (242°) | 9:17:22 | +2:00 | 07:01 | 19:46 | 07:36 | 19:11 | 08:12 | 18:35 | 13:23 (24.8°) | 147.202 |
20 | 08:44 ↑ (118°) | 18:04 ↑ (242°) | 9:19:26 | +2:03 | 07:01 | 19:47 | 07:36 | 19:12 | 08:12 | 18:36 | 13:24 (25.0°) | 147.216 |
21 | 08:43 ↑ (118°) | 18:05 ↑ (242°) | 9:21:32 | +2:06 | 07:00 | 19:48 | 07:35 | 19:13 | 08:11 | 18:37 | 13:24 (25.2°) | 147.229 |
22 | 08:43 ↑ (117°) | 18:06 ↑ (243°) | 9:23:42 | +2:09 | 07:00 | 19:49 | 07:35 | 19:14 | 08:10 | 18:38 | 13:24 (25.4°) | 147.244 |
23 | 08:42 ↑ (117°) | 18:08 ↑ (243°) | 9:25:54 | +2:12 | 06:59 | 19:50 | 07:34 | 19:16 | 08:10 | 18:40 | 13:24 (25.7°) | 147.259 |
24 | 08:41 ↑ (117°) | 18:09 ↑ (243°) | 9:28:09 | +2:15 | 06:58 | 19:51 | 07:33 | 19:17 | 08:09 | 18:41 | 13:25 (25.9°) | 147.274 |
25 | 08:40 ↑ (116°) | 18:10 ↑ (244°) | 9:30:27 | +2:17 | 06:58 | 19:53 | 07:32 | 19:18 | 08:08 | 18:42 | 13:25 (26.1°) | 147.290 |
26 | 08:39 ↑ (116°) | 18:12 ↑ (244°) | 9:32:47 | +2:20 | 06:57 | 19:54 | 07:32 | 19:19 | 08:07 | 18:44 | 13:25 (26.4°) | 147.307 |
27 | 08:38 ↑ (116°) | 18:13 ↑ (244°) | 9:35:10 | +2:22 | 06:56 | 19:55 | 07:31 | 19:20 | 08:06 | 18:45 | 13:25 (26.6°) | 147.324 |
28 | 08:37 ↑ (115°) | 18:15 ↑ (245°) | 9:37:35 | +2:25 | 06:55 | 19:56 | 07:30 | 19:22 | 08:05 | 18:46 | 13:26 (26.9°) | 147.342 |
29 | 08:36 ↑ (115°) | 18:16 ↑ (245°) | 9:40:02 | +2:27 | 06:55 | 19:57 | 07:29 | 19:23 | 08:04 | 18:48 | 13:26 (27.2°) | 147.360 |
30 | 08:35 ↑ (114°) | 18:17 ↑ (246°) | 9:42:32 | +2:29 | 06:54 | 19:59 | 07:28 | 19:24 | 08:03 | 18:49 | 13:26 (27.4°) | 147.379 |
31 | 08:34 ↑ (114°) | 18:19 ↑ (246°) | 9:45:04 | +2:31 | 06:53 | 20:00 | 07:27 | 19:25 | 08:02 | 18:50 | 13:26 (27.7°) | 147.398 |
* All times are local time for Minneapolis. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. |
Note that Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday, 6 January 1974, 02:00, and this is accounted for above.
Perihelion was on 4 January 1974, 03:40 in Minneapolis. The Earth was closest to the Sun at this time.
The latest sunrise is on 2 January.
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec