All-Year Daylight Saving Proposed for Louisiana
A recent bill has proposed for the state of Louisiana to be on daylight saving time all-year-round.

St Louis Cathedral, with clock, at Jackson Square
A new bill has recently been put forward for the state of Louisiana, in the United States (USA), to observe daylight saving time (DST) on all-year-round. If the proposal is successful, Louisiana will remain on Central Daylight Time (CDT), which is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC-5.
Bill on Daylight Saving Time All Year
The proposal to bring Louisiana to an all-year daylight saving time hopes to see the state stay on Central Daylight Time (CDT) when most parts of the USA fall back (when DST ends) on Sunday, November 7, 2010. If this proposal goes through, Louisiana will also effectively be on the same time as Eastern Standard Time (EST), which is also UTC-5, and observed among many eastern states in the USA during the non-daylight saving period.
This proposal is known as House Bill 922 and was introduced by Jonathan Perry, a member of Louisiana’s House of Representatives. The proposed law “provides that the state shall adopt and observe daylight saving time on a year-round basis”. Furthermore, this proposed law hopes to prohibit “the state from reverting back to standard time on November 7, 2010”.
The hearing on House Bill 922 was scheduled for Tuesday, April 13, 2010, but was postponed until later in the legislative session. Similar proposals have been put forward in Louisiana in previous years but were unsuccessful, despite arguments on the benefits of reducing energy. will provide more information on the proposal’s status as more details become available.
Louisiana’s Time Zone
Louisiana is on Central Standard Time (CST), or UTC-6, during the non-daylight saving period. It is on CDT, or UTC-5, during daylight saving time. It follows the rest of the USA’s daylight saving schedule.
DST in many parts of the United States – including Louisiana – lines up with section 110 of the United States’ Energy Policy Act of 2005, which states that daylight saving time would begin on the second Sunday of March and it would end on first Sunday of November. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 does not alter the rights of the states and territories that choose not to observe daylight saving time.