Jordan Starts DST Early in 2022
The Jordanian government has decided to start Daylight Saving Time (DST) one month earlier from 2022.

Daylight Saving Time will start in February 2022 in Jordan.
Starts in 2022
Jordanians will set their clocks forward one hour from 00:00 (midnight) to 01:00 (1 am), local time, on February 25, 2022. That is a month earlier than the Daylight Saving Time (DST) start in previous years.
No Change to DST End in 2021
On Friday, October 29, 2021, clocks are turned back one hour from 01:00 (1 am) to 00:00 (midnight), local time. This date has not been changed.
DST is known as summer time in Jordan, and standard time—when DST is not in use—is referred to as winter time.
Cabinet Decision
The Jordanian government made its decision in a Cabinet meeting on September 19, 2021. It was announced in a statement posted in the Jordan News Agency:
“The Cabinet decided on Thursday to move the Kingdom’s annual switch to summertime [sic] from the end of March to the end of February. The cabinet kept the switch to wintertime [sic] at the end of October.
Clocks are to be set back by 60 minutes as of 1am of the last Friday of October every year, bringing the Kingdom two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, while they will be set forward one hour on the last Thursday of February as of next year.”
Note: At we say the change happens on Friday. This is because the change is at midnight.
DST Changes in Jordan
It is not the first time Jordan has changed the DST schedule: In 2012, the Jordanian government decided to remain on DST and extended the practice in 2013, only to change their minds again and end permanent DST after all.
The country considered staying on permanent DST again in 2016 but decided to fall back to winter time after all. Since then, DST has been in use every year.
Time in Jordan
Jordan observes Eastern European Time (EET), which is 2 hours ahead of UTC (UTC+2) during standard time, and Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), 3 hours ahead of UTC (UTC+3), during summer time.