Temperatures and Weather in Europe

Forecast for today, tomorrow, next 14 days, and much more...

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Hong Kong18 °CPassing clouds.Thu 19:22:01
New York-3 °CClear.Thu 06:22:01
London5 °CSunny.Thu 11:22:01
Tokyo8 °CCool.Thu 20:22:01

Local Time and Weather in Europe

A CoruñaThu 12:22Cool.12 °CLiverpoolThu 11:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
AachenThu 12:22Light rain. Fog. Quite cool.6 °CLivnoThu 12:22Light rain. Overcast. Cool.7 °C
AalborgThu 12:22Fog. Quite cool.6 °CLjubljanaThu 12:22Drizzle. Dense fog. Chilly.3 °C
AalenThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °CLódzThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.9 °C
AalstThu 12:22Light rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.5 °CLondonThu 11:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
AarauThu 12:22Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CLondonderryThu 11:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
AarhusThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CLongyearbyenThu 12:22Scattered showers. Partly sunny. Chilly.1 °C
AkureyriThu 11:22Sunny. Cold.-11 °CLos Llanos de AridaneThu 11:22Partly sunny. Mild.19 °C
AlbufeiraThu 11:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.14 °CLouresThu 11:22Scattered clouds. Cool.13 °C
ÅlesundThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.3 °CLübeckThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
AlicanteThu 12:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °CLucerneThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
AlmeríaThu 12:22Mild.17 °CLüdenscheidThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
AltdorfThu 12:22Quite cool.6 °CLudwigsburgThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
AmsterdamThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CLudwigshafenThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
AntwerpThu 12:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CLuganoThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
AppenzellThu 12:22Cold.-5 °CLünenThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
ArgostoliThu 13:22Scattered clouds. Cool.16 °CLuxembourgThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
ArkhangelskThu 14:22Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °CLyonThu 12:22Rain. Low clouds. Cool.8 °C
ArlonThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CMadridThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
ArnsbergThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CMagdeburgThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
AschaffenburgThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CMagnitogorskThu 16:22Overcast. Chilly.-3 °C
AssisiThu 12:22Clear. Cool.9 °CMainzThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
AstrakhanThu 15:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °CMakhachkalaThu 14:22Fog. Quite cool.6 °C
AthensThu 13:22Thunderstorms. Overcast. Cool.11 °CMalatyaThu 14:22Sunny. Cool.9 °C
AugsburgThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.3 °CMalmöThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.5 °C
ÁvilaThu 12:22Cold.-4 °CManchesterThu 11:22Scattered clouds. Chilly.4 °C
BabruyskThu 14:22Overcast. Quite cool.4 °CMannheimThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
Baden-BadenThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.10 °CMarburgThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Chilly.4 °C
Banja LukaThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.10 °CMariborThu 12:22Quite cool.5 °C
BaranovichiThu 14:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.6 °CMariupolThu 13:22Overcast. Cool.10 °C
BarcelonaThu 12:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.14 °CMarlThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
BarysawThu 14:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CMarseilleThu 12:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Cool.13 °C
BaselThu 12:22Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CMelillaThu 12:22Cool.11 °C
BastiaThu 12:22Broken clouds. Cool.14 °CMilanThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °C
BatumiThu 15:22Cool.13 °CMindenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
BayreuthThu 12:22Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CMinskThu 14:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
BelfastThu 11:22Clear. Chilly.4 °CMiskolcThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
BelgradeThu 12:22Fog. Cool.11 °CModenaThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °C
BellinzonaThu 12:22Chilly.-1 °CMoersThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
Belushya GubaThu 14:22Snow flurries. Overcast. Cold.-4 °CMogilevThu 14:22Fog. Chilly.4 °C
BenidormThu 12:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °CMonacoThu 12:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Cool.10 °C
BergamoThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °CMönchengladbachThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
BergenThu 12:22Overcast. Chilly.4 °CMontreuxThu 12:22Quite cool.6 °C
BergheimThu 12:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °CMonzaThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °C
Bergisch GladbachThu 12:22Drizzle. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °CMoscowThu 14:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
BerlinThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CMostarThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.12 °C
BernThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CMülheimThu 12:22Drizzle. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
BielThu 12:22Chilly.4 °CMülheim / RuhrThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
BielefeldThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CMunichThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
BijeljinaThu 12:22Overcast. Cool.8 °CMünsterThu 12:22Light rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
BirminghamThu 11:22Quite cool.4 °CMurmanskThu 14:22Sunny. Cold.-12 °C
BitolaThu 12:22Overcast. Cold.-10 °CMykolaivThu 13:22Overcast. Cool.9 °C
BocholtThu 12:22Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °CNantesThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
BochumThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CNaplesThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.13 °C
BolognaThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °CNarvaThu 13:22Rain showers. Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
BolzanoThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.8 °CNæstvedThu 12:22Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
BonnThu 12:22Drizzle. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °CNeubrandenburgThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
BordeauxThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °CNeuchâtelThu 12:22Chilly.3 °C
BorgarnesThu 11:22Chilly.0 °CNeumünsterThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
BottropThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CNeussThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
BratislavaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CNeustadt an der WeinstraßeThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
BraunschweigThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CNeuwiedThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
BrașovThu 13:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CNiceThu 12:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Cool.10 °C
BregenzThu 12:22Chilly.4 °CNicosiaThu 13:22Sunny. Mild.18 °C
BremenThu 12:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °CNikšićThu 12:22Overcast. Cool.8 °C
BremerhavenThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CNizhny NovgorodThu 14:22Light rain. Low clouds. Chilly.2 °C
BresciaThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.7 °CNišThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.15 °C
BrestThu 14:22Sunny. Cool.9 °CNorderstedtThu 12:22Drizzle. Fog. Quite cool.6 °C
BristolThu 11:22Clear. Quite cool.5 °CNordhornThu 12:22Light rain. Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
BrnoThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.7 °CNorth NicosiaThu 13:22Sunny. Mild.18 °C
Bruck an der LeithaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CNovgorodThu 14:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
BrusselsThu 12:22Rain. More clouds than sun. Quite cool.6 °CNovi SadThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.10 °C
BryanskThu 14:22Fog. Quite cool.6 °CNovo MestoThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
BrăilaThu 13:22Overcast. Cool.10 °CNovorossiyskThu 14:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
BucharestThu 13:22Sunny. Cool.14 °CNurembergThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
BudapestThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.12 °COberhausenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
BurgasThu 13:22Partly sunny. Cool.15 °COdenseThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
BursaThu 14:22Partly sunny. Refreshingly cool.14 °COffenbachThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
BălțiThu 13:22Clear. Cool.8 °COffenburgThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
CadizThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.13 °COhridThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.11 °C
CagliariThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.15 °COldenburgThu 12:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
CahulThu 13:22Overcast. Cool.10 °COlomoucThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
CannesThu 12:22Rain. Overcast. Cool.10 °COmaghThu 11:22Partly sunny. Chilly.2 °C
CapriThu 12:22Cool.12 °COradeaThu 13:22Sunny. Cool.11 °C
CardiffThu 11:22Clear. Quite cool.6 °COsijekThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
CascaisThu 11:22Scattered clouds. Cool.13 °COsloThu 12:22Fog. Chilly.0 °C
Castrop-RauxelThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °COsnabrückThu 12:22Light rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
CazinThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °COstravaThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.7 °C
CeljeThu 12:22Fog. Chilly.-1 °CPaderbornThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
CelleThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CPalermoThu 12:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
CeutaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °CPalma (ES-Majorca)Thu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.16 °C
Châlons-en-ChampagneThu 12:22Broken clouds. Cool.9 °CPamplonaThu 12:22Rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
CharleroiThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °CParisThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
CheboksaryThu 14:22Low clouds. Chilly.1 °CParmaThu 12:22Fog. Quite cool.5 °C
CheltenhamThu 11:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CPassauThu 12:22Chilly.4 °C
ChemnitzThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.8 °CPatrasThu 13:22Scattered clouds. Cool.14 °C
ChernihivThu 13:22Fog. Chilly.2 °CPeizeThu 12:22Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
ChernivtsiThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.5 °CPforzheimThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
ChernobylThu 13:22Fog. Chilly.2 °CPiatra NeamțThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
ChietiThu 12:22Clear. Cool.15 °CPiraeusThu 13:22Scattered clouds. Cool.15 °C
ChișinăuThu 13:22Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °CPisaThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °C
ChurThu 12:22Quite cool.6 °CPlauenThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °C
Cluj-NapocaThu 13:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °CPlevenThu 13:22Partly sunny. Cool.10 °C
CologneThu 12:22Drizzle. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °CPljevljaThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
CopenhagenThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CPloieștiThu 13:22Partly sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
CórdobaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.13 °CPlovdivThu 13:22More clouds than sun. Cool.9 °C
CorkThu 11:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °CPlymouthThu 11:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
CottbusThu 12:22Broken clouds. Quite cool.5 °CPlzenThu 12:22Fog. Chilly.3 °C
CraiovaThu 13:22Sunny. Cool.12 °CPodgoricaThu 12:22Broken clouds. Cool.13 °C
CuxhavenThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CPoitiersThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.9 °C
DarmstadtThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CPolotskThu 14:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
DaugavpilsThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CPoltavaThu 13:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °C
DebrecenThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.9 °CPonta DelgadaThu 10:22Partly sunny. Cool.16 °C
DelémontThu 12:22Chilly.4 °CPopradThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
DelmenhorstThu 12:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °CPortoThu 11:22Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
DenizliThu 14:22Partly sunny. Cool.13 °CPotsdamThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
Dessau-RosslauThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CPoznanThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.8 °C
DetmoldThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CPragueThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °C
DeutschlandsbergThu 12:22Chilly.0 °CPrešovThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
DifferdangeThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CPrijedorThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
DinslakenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CPristinaThu 12:22Fog. Cool.9 °C
DiyarbakırThu 14:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.13 °CPrizrenThu 12:22Fog. Cool.8 °C
DniproThu 13:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °CPyatigorskThu 14:22Clear. Quite cool.5 °C
DormagenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CQuimperThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
DorstenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CRamseyThu 11:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
DortmundThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CRatingenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
DouglasThu 11:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °CRavensburgThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °C
DrammenThu 12:22Chilly.-2 °CRecklinghausenThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
DroghedaThu 11:22Partly sunny. Chilly.4 °CRegensburgThu 12:22Overcast. Chilly.2 °C
DublinThu 11:22Partly sunny. Chilly.4 °CRethymnoThu 13:22Partly sunny. Cool.13 °C
DuisburgThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CReutlingenThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
DürenThu 12:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °CReykjavikThu 11:22Light rain. Fog. Chilly.2 °C
DurrësThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.15 °CRheineThu 12:22Light rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
DüsseldorfThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CRigaThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
EdinburghThu 11:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °CRijekaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
EferdingThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.3 °CRiminiThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
EisenstadtThu 12:22Cool.8 °CRivneThu 13:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
ElbasanThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.15 °CRomeThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
ElistaThu 14:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.7 °CRosenheimThu 12:22Chilly.3 °C
EmdenThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CRostockThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
ErfurtThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.7 °CRotterdamThu 12:22Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
ErlangenThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °CRovaniemiThu 13:22Light snow. Partly sunny. Chilly.-3 °C
ErzurumThu 14:22Fog. Frigid.-15 °CRustaviThu 15:22Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Esch-sur-AlzetteThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSaarbrückenThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °C
EskişehirThu 14:22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CSaint Anne, AlderneyThu 11:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
EspooThu 13:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.4 °CSaint HelierThu 11:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
EssenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CSaint-PetersburgThu 14:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
EsslingenThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °CSalamancaThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
EttelbruckThu 12:22Overcast. Chilly.4 °CSalernoThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
EuskirchenThu 12:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °CSalihorskThu 14:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
FeldbachThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °CSalzburgThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
FerizajThu 12:22Broken clouds. Cool.14 °CSalzgitterThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
FlensburgThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSamaraThu 15:22Low clouds. Chilly.-1 °C
FrankfurtThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSamsunThu 14:22Sunny. Mild.18 °C
FrauenfeldThu 12:22Chilly.4 °CSan MarinoThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
FreiburgThu 12:22Light rain. Overcast. Cool.8 °CSan Sebastián de La GomeraThu 11:22Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
FreisingThu 12:22Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CSandefjordThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.2 °C
FreistadtThu 12:22Chilly.4 °CSandvikaThu 12:22Chilly.-2 °C
FribourgThu 12:22Chilly.3 °CSanta Cruz de TenerifeThu 11:22Scattered clouds. Cool.14 °C
FriedrichshafenThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °CSantanderThu 12:22Light rain. Fog. Cool.10 °C
FuldaThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CSarajevoThu 12:22Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
FürstenfeldThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °CSarnenThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
FürthThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °CSassariThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.12 °C
GalwayThu 11:22Broken clouds. Chilly.3 °CSchaffhausenThu 12:22Chilly.3 °C
GarbsenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CSchwäbisch GmündThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
GdańskThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CSchweinfurtThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
GelsenkirchenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CSchwerinThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
GenevaThu 12:22Quite cool.6 °CSchwyzThu 12:22Quite cool.6 °C
GenoaThu 12:22Overcast. Cool.12 °CSérresThu 13:22Cool.15 °C
GeraThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.8 °CSevastopolThu 14:22Overcast. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
GhentThu 12:22Light rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.5 °CShkodërThu 12:22Overcast. Cool.10 °C
GibraltarThu 12:22Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °CSibiuThu 13:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
GiessenThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Chilly.4 °CSiegenThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Chilly.4 °C
GijónThu 12:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Cool.10 °CSimferopolThu 14:22Overcast. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
GjakovaThu 12:22Fog. Cool.8 °CSindelfingenThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
GjirokastërThu 12:22Fog. Cool.9 °CSionThu 12:22Quite cool.6 °C
GladbeckThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CSkopjeThu 12:22Broken clouds. Cool.14 °C
GlarusThu 12:22Cold.-5 °CSlavonski BrodThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.8 °C
GlasgowThu 11:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °CSligoThu 11:22Quite cool.5 °C
GmündThu 12:22Chilly.4 °CSmolenskThu 14:22Overcast. Quite cool.5 °C
GomelThu 14:22Clear. Quite cool.7 °CSochiThu 14:22Clear. Refreshingly cool.14 °C
GöppingenThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °CSofiaThu 13:22Partly sunny. Cool.9 °C
GörlitzThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CSolihullThu 11:22Sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
GothenburgThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CSolingenThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
GöttingenThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CSolothurnThu 12:22Chilly.4 °C
GranadaThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Cool.8 °CSorrentoThu 12:22Cool.12 °C
GrazThu 12:22Clear. Quite cool.7 °CSpeyerThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
GreifswaldThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CSplitThu 12:22Overcast. Cool.13 °C
GrevenbroichThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CSt. GallenThu 12:22Chilly.4 °C
GrieskirchenThu 12:22Clear. Chilly.4 °CSt. Peter PortThu 11:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
GrodnoThu 14:22Scattered clouds. Cool.8 °CSt. PöltenThu 12:22Fog. Chilly.1 °C
GroningenThu 12:22Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °CStansThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
GroznyThu 14:22Scattered clouds. Cool.12 °CStara ZagoraThu 13:22Overcast. Cool.10 °C
GulbeneThu 13:22Quite cool.6 °CStavangerThu 12:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.3 °C
GüterslohThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CStavropolThu 14:22Cool.12 °C
GyumriThu 15:22Chilly.0 °CStockholmThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.2 °C
HagenThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CStolberg (Rheinland)Thu 12:22Light rain. Fog. Quite cool.6 °C
HalleThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CStralsundThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
HamburgThu 12:22Drizzle. Fog. Quite cool.6 °CStrasbourgThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °C
HamelnThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CStuttgartThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
HammThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CSuboticaThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.8 °C
HanauThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSukhumiThu 14:22Sunny. Cool.10 °C
HannoverThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CSumyThu 13:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °C
HaugesundThu 12:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Quite cool.6 °CSyktyvkarThu 14:22Low clouds. Chilly.-3 °C
HeidelbergThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSzczecinThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
HeilbronnThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °CSzegedThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
HelsinkiThu 13:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Chilly.4 °CTallinnThu 13:22Sprinkles. Broken clouds. Chilly.4 °C
HerfordThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CTârgu MureşThu 13:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
HerisauThu 12:22Chilly.4 °CTartuThu 13:22Light rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.6 °C
HerneThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CTbilisiThu 15:22Fog. Cool.8 °C
HerningThu 12:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CTernopilThu 13:22Fog. Chilly.3 °C
HertenThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CThe HagueThu 12:22Broken clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
HildesheimThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CThessalonikiThu 13:22Fog. Cool.12 °C
HöfnThu 11:22Chilly.-3 °CTimișoaraThu 13:22Partly sunny. Cool.10 °C
Hradec KrálovéThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Quite cool.5 °CTiranaThu 12:22Partly sunny. Cool.15 °C
HuelvaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.13 °CTiraspolThu 13:22Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
Hugh TownThu 11:22Overcast. Cool.8 °CTórshavnThu 11:22Partly sunny. Chilly.1 °C
HumennéThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.9 °CToulouseThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.9 °C
HürthThu 12:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °CTrabzonThu 14:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.13 °C
IașiThu 13:22Clear. Cool.8 °CTrierThu 12:22Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
IbizaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °CTriesteThu 12:22Cool.10 °C
IngolstadtThu 12:22Chilly.3 °CTroisdorfThu 12:22Drizzle. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
InnsbruckThu 12:22Passing clouds. Chilly.3 °CTromsøThu 12:22Sunny. Chilly.-1 °C
IoanninaThu 13:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Cool.14 °CTrondheimThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.0 °C
IráklionThu 13:22Light rain. Scattered clouds. Mild.18 °CTskhinvaliThu 14:22Quite cool.5 °C
IserlohnThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CTübingenThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.6 °C
IstanbulThu 14:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °CTulaThu 14:22Fog. Quite cool.6 °C
Ivano-FrankivskThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.5 °CTurinThu 12:22Chilly.4 °C
IzhevskThu 15:22Drizzle. Overcast. Chilly.0 °CTuzlaThu 12:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Cool.9 °C
JaénThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °CUlmThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.2 °C
JelgavaThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CUnnaThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
JenaThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.7 °CUppsalaThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.0 °C
JoensuuThu 13:22Low clouds. Chilly.2 °CUsterThu 12:22Chilly.4 °C
KaiserslauternThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °CÚstí nad LabemThu 12:22Quite cool.5 °C
KaliningradThu 13:22Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °CUtrechtThu 12:22Rain. Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
KamianskeThu 13:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °CUzhhorodThu 13:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
KaposvárThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °CVaduzThu 12:22Quite cool.4 °C
KasselThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CValladolidThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
KaunasThu 13:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CVallettaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.16 °C
KazanThu 14:22Low clouds. Chilly.1 °CValmieraThu 13:22Light rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.5 °C
KecskemétThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CValverdeThu 11:22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °C
KeflavíkThu 11:22Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °CVanadzorThu 15:22Chilly.0 °C
KemiThu 13:22Snow flurries. Overcast. Chilly.-1 °CVarnaThu 13:22Overcast. Cool.13 °C
KemptenThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.2 °CVatican CityThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
KerpenThu 12:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °CVelbertThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
KharkivThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CVeniceThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.11 °C
KhersonThu 13:22Overcast. Cool.9 °CVentspilsThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.5 °C
KhmelnytskyiThu 13:22Fog. Chilly.2 °CVeronaThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °C
KielThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CVersaillesThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
KilkennyThu 11:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °CVestmannaeyjarThu 11:22Scattered showers. More clouds than sun. Chilly.2 °C
KirunaThu 12:22Light snow. Ice fog. Cold.-7 °CVicenzaThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.11 °C
KlagenfurtThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.4 °CVidinThu 13:22Fog. Cool.9 °C
KlaipėdaThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CViennaThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °C
KlaksvíkThu 11:22Chilly.1 °CViersenThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
KoblenzThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °CVila Nova de GaiaThu 11:22Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Kohtla-JärveThu 13:22Drizzle. Low clouds. Quite cool.5 °CVillachThu 12:22Sunny. Cold.-5 °C
KönizThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CVilniusThu 13:22Sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
KonstanzThu 12:22Quite cool.5 °CVinnytsiaThu 13:22Fog. Quite cool.5 °C
KorçëThu 12:22Overcast. Cool.8 °CVitebskThu 14:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
KošiceThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CVladimirThu 14:22Fog. Chilly.3 °C
KragujevacThu 12:22Scattered clouds. Cool.13 °CVlorëThu 12:22Overcast. Cool.12 °C
KrakówThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CVolgogradThu 14:22Partly sunny. Chilly.4 °C
KranjThu 12:22Fog. Chilly.3 °CWarsawThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
KrefeldThu 12:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CWeimarThu 12:22Sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
KumanovoThu 12:22Broken clouds. Cool.14 °CWeselThu 12:22Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
KuressaareThu 13:22Cloudy. Quite cool.5 °CWiesbadenThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
KutaisiThu 15:22Sunny. Refreshingly cool.15 °CWinterthurThu 12:22Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °C
KyivThu 13:22Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °CWismarThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
KyreniaThu 13:22Sunny. Mild.18 °CWittenThu 12:22Drizzle. Cloudy. Quite cool.7 °C
Langenfeld (Rheinland)Thu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CWoerdenThu 12:22Rain. Cloudy. Quite cool.6 °C
LarnacaThu 13:22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CWolfsburgThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
LarvikThu 12:22Partly sunny. Chilly.2 °CWormsThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
Las Palmas (ES-Canary)Thu 11:22Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CWroclawThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.8 °C
LausanneThu 12:22Quite cool.6 °CWuppertalThu 12:22Drizzle. Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °C
LeedsThu 11:22Passing clouds. Chilly.3 °CWürzburgThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
LeipzigThu 12:22Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CYeghegnadzorThu 15:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °C
LetterkennyThu 11:22Partly sunny. Chilly.2 °CYerevanThu 15:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °C
LeverkusenThu 12:22Drizzle. Low clouds. Quite cool.7 °CYoshkar-OlaThu 14:22Overcast. Chilly.1 °C
LiberecThu 12:22Partly sunny. Quite cool.7 °CZagrebThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.10 °C
LiepājaThu 13:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CZaporizhiaThu 13:22Fog. Quite cool.7 °C
LiestalThu 12:22Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CZenicaThu 12:22Cool.8 °C
LimassolThu 13:22Sunny. Mild.19 °CZhytomyrThu 13:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
LimerickThu 11:22Broken clouds. Chilly.3 °CZugThu 12:22Chilly.4 °C
LincolnThu 11:22Sunny. Chilly.4 °CZürichThu 12:22Chilly.3 °C
LinzThu 12:22Clear. Chilly.4 °CZwickauThu 12:22Sunny. Cool.8 °C
LipetskThu 14:22Fog. Quite cool.5 °CŠiauliaiThu 13:22Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °C
LippstadtThu 12:22Overcast. Quite cool.7 °CŽilinaThu 12:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
LisbonThu 11:22Scattered clouds. Cool.13 °C

Thu = Thursday, 30 January 2025 (575 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Thursday, 30 January 2025, 11:22:01

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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