Temperatures and Weather in Africa

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Hong Kong18 °CPassing clouds.Thu 19:21:59
New York-3 °CClear.Thu 06:21:59
London5 °CSunny.Thu 11:21:59
Tokyo8 °CCool.Thu 20:21:59

Local Time and Weather in Africa

AbakalikiThu 12:21Haze. Warm.25 °CKoudougouThu 11:21Clear. Pleasantly warm.29 °C
AbéchéThu 12:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °CKoutialaThu 11:21Partly sunny. Mild.22 °C
AbeokutaThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.31 °CKufraThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.17 °C
AbidjanThu 11:21Scattered clouds. Warm.31 °CKumasiThu 11:21Fog. Warm.26 °C
AccraThu 11:21Haze. Warm.30 °CLagosThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.31 °C
AdamaThu 14:21Scattered clouds. Mild.21 °CLambarénéThu 12:21Scattered clouds.N/A
Addis AbabaThu 14:21Scattered clouds. Mild.21 °CLibrevilleThu 12:21Passing clouds. Warm.30 °C
AdrarThu 12:21Clear. Refreshingly cool.16 °CLiraThu 14:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.29 °C
AgadezThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Mild.25 °CLoméThu 11:21Scattered clouds. Warm.31 °C
Agadir *Thu 12:21Sunny. Cool.16 °CLuxorThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.23 °C
Al JizahThu 13:21Clear. Mild.21 °CMahajangaThu 14:21Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °C
AlexandriaThu 13:21Scattered clouds. Mild.19 °CMalaboThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °C
AlgiersThu 12:21Partly sunny. Refreshingly cool.16 °CMamoudzouThu 14:21Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °C
AntananarivoThu 14:21Partly sunny. Warm.29 °CMangoThu 11:21Overcast. Mild.21 °C
AntsirananaThu 14:21Partly sunny. Warm.31 °CMansouraThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.19 °C
ArushaThu 14:21Partly sunny. Warm.26 °CMaradiThu 12:21Overcast. Mild.22 °C
AswanThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.22 °CMarrakech *Thu 12:21Partly sunny. Cool.12 °C
AsyutThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.19 °CMbaleThu 14:21Overcast. Warm.26 °C
AtakpaméThu 11:21Overcast. Mild.24 °CMersa MatruhThu 13:21Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
AwkaThu 12:21Haze. Warm.25 °CMindeloThu 10:21Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
BamakoThu 11:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.25 °CMisrataThu 13:21Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °C
BanguiThu 12:21Sunny. Hot.33 °CMombasaThu 14:21Scattered clouds. Extremely hot.34 °C
BanjulThu 11:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °CMonastirThu 12:21Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
BataThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.25 °CMongoThu 12:21Sunny. Mild.18 °C
BauchiThu 12:21Overcast. Cool.11 °CMonroviaThu 11:21Fog. Warm.30 °C
BécharThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Refreshingly cool.13 °CMoundouThu 12:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.31 °C
BenghaziThu 13:21Scattered clouds. Cool.10 °CMwanzaThu 14:21Broken clouds. Mild.21 °C
Benin CityThu 12:21Fog. Warm.25 °CN'DjamenaThu 12:21Clear. Pleasantly warm.29 °C
BerbératiThu 12:21Overcast. Cool.15 °CNairobiThu 14:21Broken clouds. Mild.20 °C
BimboThu 12:21Sunny. Hot.33 °CNakuruThu 14:21Light rain. Overcast. Cool.16 °C
BissauThu 11:21Partly sunny. Mild.22 °CNatitingouThu 12:21Partly sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
BizerteThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Cool.15 °CNgaoundéréThu 12:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
Bobo-DioulassoThu 11:21Overcast. Pleasantly warm.26 °CNgoziThu 13:21Light rain. Partly sunny. Mild.23 °C
BohiconThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.27 °CNiameyThu 12:21Low level haze. Pleasantly warm.31 °C
BouakéThu 11:21Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °CNouadhibouThu 11:21Clear. Mild.20 °C
BozoumThu 12:21Partly sunny. Mild.19 °COranThu 12:21Rain. Overcast. Cool.10 °C
BrazzavilleThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Warm.27 °COsogboThu 12:21Sunny. Warm.28 °C
BujumburaThu 13:21Light rain. Partly sunny. Mild.23 °COuahigouyaThu 11:21Overcast. Pleasantly warm.25 °C
ButareThu 13:21Partly sunny. Warm.25 °COuarglaThu 12:21Sunny. Cool.11 °C
CabindaThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °COuarzazate *Thu 12:21Scattered clouds. Cool.9 °C
CairoThu 13:21Clear. Mild.21 °COwerriThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
Casablanca *Thu 12:21Scattered clouds. Cool.15 °COyemThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.26 °C
ConstantineThu 12:21Sunny. Cool.9 °CParakouThu 12:21Partly sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
CotonouThu 12:21Overcast. Warm.29 °CPointe-NoireThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °C
DabakalaThu 11:21Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °CPort-GentilThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Warm.30 °C
Dakhla *Thu 12:21Sunny. Cool.15 °CPort HarcourtThu 12:21Fog. Mild.22 °C
DaloaThu 11:21Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CPort LouisThu 15:21Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
Dar es SalaamThu 14:21Passing clouds. Extremely hot.34 °CPort Mathurin (Rodrigues)Thu 15:21Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °C
Dire DawaThu 14:21Clear. Mild.24 °CPort SaidThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.22 °C
DivoThu 11:21Overcast. Warm.26 °CPorto NovoThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Warm.31 °C
DjougouThu 12:21Clear. Pleasantly warm.28 °CPraiaThu 10:21Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
DodomaThu 14:21Scattered clouds. Warm.26 °CRabat *Thu 12:21Broken clouds. Cool.15 °C
DorraThu 14:21Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CRossoThu 11:21Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
DoualaThu 12:21Partly sunny. Hot.32 °CRuhengeriThu 13:21Partly sunny. Cool.16 °C
EbebiyínThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.26 °CRwamaganaThu 13:21Partly sunny. Warm.25 °C
El Aaiún *Thu 12:21Sandstorm. Mild.21 °CSabhaThu 13:21Scattered clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °C
El Jadida *Thu 12:21Scattered clouds. Cool.15 °CSaint-DenisThu 15:21Scattered clouds. Extremely hot.34 °C
EntebbeThu 14:21Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CSaint-LouisThu 11:21Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
Fada N'gourmaThu 11:21Overcast. Pleasantly warm.25 °CSaint-PaulThu 15:21Scattered clouds. Extremely hot.34 °C
FarafenniThu 11:21Sunny. Mild.25 °CSaint-PierreThu 15:21Passing clouds. Hot.32 °C
Faya-LargeauThu 12:21Sunny. Warm.25 °CSan PédroThu 11:21Partly sunny. Warm.28 °C
Fes *Thu 12:21Overcast. Cool.9 °CSanta MariaThu 10:21Scattered clouds. Mild.23 °C
FianarantsoaThu 14:21Partly sunny. Warm.25 °CSarhThu 12:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.31 °C
FrancevilleThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.27 °CSavéThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.29 °C
GabèsThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °CSerekundaThu 11:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
GafsaThu 12:21Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °CSfaxThu 12:21Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
GarissaThu 14:21Partly sunny. Warm.31 °CSharm el-SheikhThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.24 °C
GarouaThu 12:21Partly sunny. Refreshingly cool.16 °CSikassoThu 11:21Partly sunny. Mild.22 °C
Georgetown (Ascension Island)Thu 11:21Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CSokodéThu 11:21Clear. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
GhardaïaThu 12:21Broken clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °CSokotoThu 12:21Partly sunny. Pleasantly warm.25 °C
GitaramaThu 13:21Partly sunny. Warm.25 °CSousseThu 12:21Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
GitegaThu 13:21Light rain. Partly sunny. Mild.23 °CSuezThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.18 °C
GomaThu 13:21Partly sunny. Mild.20 °CTaboraThu 14:21Overcast. Mild.22 °C
GuluThu 14:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.29 °CTadjouraThu 14:21Passing clouds. Mild.22 °C
HammametThu 12:21Passing clouds. Cool.13 °CTamaleThu 11:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
HarperThu 11:21Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CTamanrassetThu 12:21Refreshingly cool.16 °C
Houmt Souk (Djerba)Thu 12:21Passing clouds. Mild.17 °CTambacoundaThu 11:21Scattered clouds. Mild.21 °C
HurghadaThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.22 °CTangier *Thu 12:21Scattered clouds. Refreshingly cool.14 °C
IbadanThu 12:21Low clouds. Mild.24 °CTindoufThu 12:21Sandstorm. Mild.17 °C
In SalahThu 12:21Clear. Mild.17 °CToamasinaThu 14:21Passing clouds. Hot.32 °C
JamestownThu 11:21Overcast. Mild.21 °CTobrukThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.17 °C
KadunaThu 12:21Sunny. Pleasantly warm.25 °CToliaraThu 14:21Partly sunny. Warm.29 °C
KairouanThu 12:21Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °CTunisThu 12:21Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
KakataThu 11:21Fog. Warm.30 °CUmuahiaThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
KampalaThu 14:21Overcast. Warm.25 °CVictoriaThu 15:21Scattered clouds. Warm.30 °C
KandiThu 12:21Partly sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °CYamoussoukroThu 11:21Overcast. Warm.26 °C
KaraThu 11:21Clear. Pleasantly warm.28 °CYaoundéThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.28 °C
KasserineThu 12:21Cool.10 °CYenagoaThu 12:21Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
KatsinaThu 12:21Low level haze. Pleasantly warm.26 °CYolaThu 12:21Overcast. Mild.23 °C
Kharga OasisThu 13:21Sunny. Mild.20 °CZagazigThu 13:21Clear. Mild.21 °C
KigaliThu 13:21Partly sunny. Warm.25 °CZanzibar CityThu 14:21Passing clouds. Hot.32 °C
KindiaThu 11:21Sunny. Mild.24 °CZariaThu 12:21Clear. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
KinshasaThu 12:21Scattered clouds. Warm.27 °CZarzisThu 12:21Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
KisumuThu 14:21Rain. Overcast. Mild.22 °CZiguinchorThu 11:21Sunny. Mild.22 °C
KorhogoThu 11:21Haze. Mild.23 °CZinderThu 12:21Duststorm. Pleasantly warm.25 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (10 places).

Thu = Thursday, 30 January 2025 (190 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Thursday, 30 January 2025, 11:21:59

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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