Temperatures and Weather in South America

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Hong Kong18 °CPassing clouds.Thu 19:22:00
New York-3 °CClear.Thu 06:22:00
London5 °CSunny.Thu 11:22:00
Tokyo8 °CCool.Thu 20:22:00

Local Time and Weather in South America

Antofagasta *Thu 08:22Broken clouds. Mild.19 °CMar del PlataThu 08:22Fog. Mild.18 °C
AraucaThu 06:22Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CMaracaiboThu 07:22Clear. Warm.25 °C
ArequipaThu 06:22Partly sunny. Cool.13 °CMaracayThu 07:22Clear. Mild.22 °C
AsuncionThu 08:22Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °CMarambio BaseThu 08:22Sunny. Cold.-4 °C
BarquisimetoThu 07:22Clear. Mild.22 °CMarigotThu 07:22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
BarranquillaThu 06:22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CMaturínThu 07:22Mild.23 °C
BelémThu 08:22Clear. Warm.27 °CMedellinThu 06:22Passing clouds. Cool.14 °C
Belo HorizonteThu 08:22Partly sunny. Mild.21 °CMendozaThu 08:22Sunny. Mild.23 °C
Boa VistaThu 07:22Sunny. Warm.25 °CMercedesThu 08:22Sunny. Mild.21 °C
BogotaThu 06:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CMinasThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °C
BrasiliaThu 08:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Mild.19 °CMonteríaThu 06:22Haze. Warm.27 °C
BucaramangaThu 06:22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CMontevideoThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °C
Buenos AiresThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CNatalThu 08:22Partly sunny. Mild.25 °C
CaliThu 06:22Partly cloudy. Mild.21 °CNeuquénThu 08:22Sunny. Warm.28 °C
CallaoThu 06:22Clear. Mild.21 °CNew AmsterdamThu 07:22Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °C
CampinasThu 08:22Light rain. Low clouds. Mild.23 °CNiteróiThu 08:22Partly sunny. Warm.25 °C
CanelonesThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CParamariboThu 08:22Fog. Mild.24 °C
CaracasThu 07:22Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CPedro Juan CaballeroThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
Carlini BaseThu 08:22Scattered clouds. Chilly.3 °CPereiraThu 06:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °C
CartagenaThu 06:22Clear. Mild.24 °CPetrópolisThu 08:22Partly sunny. Warm.27 °C
CayenneThu 08:22Sunny. Warm.27 °CPhilipsburgThu 07:22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
ChaguanasThu 07:22Scattered showers. Partly sunny. Warm.25 °CPirassunungaThu 08:22Broken clouds. Mild.22 °C
Ciudad del EsteThu 08:22Partly sunny. Mild.24 °CPort of SpainThu 07:22Scattered showers. Partly sunny. Warm.25 °C
CobijaThu 07:22More clouds than sun. Warm.25 °CPorto AlegreThu 08:22Scattered showers. Partly sunny. Mild.24 °C
CochabambaThu 07:22Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Cool.16 °CPorto VelhoThu 07:22Fog. Mild.23 °C
Colonia del SacramentoThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CPunta Arenas *Thu 08:22Overcast. Cool.14 °C
CórdobaThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.18 °CQuitoThu 06:22Partly cloudy. Cool.8 °C
CúcutaThu 06:22Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CRawsonThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
CuencaThu 06:22Overcast. Cool.11 °CRecifeThu 08:22Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °C
CuritibaThu 08:22Partly sunny. Mild.20 °CRiberaltaThu 07:22Broken clouds. Warm.25 °C
DuraznoThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CRio BrancoThu 06:22Broken clouds. Mild.24 °C
Easter Island *Thu 06:22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CRio de JaneiroThu 08:22Partly sunny. Warm.25 °C
EncarnaciónThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CRochaThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °C
Esperanza BaseThu 08:22Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.-2 °CRosarioThu 08:22Sunny. Mild.23 °C
Fernando de NoronhaThu 09:22Partly sunny. Warm.30 °CSaltaThu 08:22Broken clouds. Mild.20 °C
FloridaThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CSalvadorThu 08:22Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °C
FortalezaThu 08:22Scattered showers. Partly sunny. Warm.28 °CSan FernandoThu 07:22Scattered showers. Partly sunny. Warm.25 °C
Foz do IguaçuThu 08:22Partly sunny. Mild.24 °CSan José de MayoThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °C
Fray BentosThu 08:22Sunny. Mild.21 °CSanta CruzThu 07:22Partly sunny. Mild.24 °C
Fuerte OlimpoThu 08:22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CSanta FeThu 08:22Sunny. Mild.23 °C
GeorgetownThu 07:22Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °CSantarémThu 08:22Scattered clouds. Warm.27 °C
GualeguaychúThu 08:22Sunny. Mild.21 °CSantiago *Thu 08:22Sunny. Cool.15 °C
GuarulhosThu 08:22Mostly cloudy. Mild.22 °CSanto DomingoThu 06:22Partly cloudy. Cool.8 °C
GuayaquilThu 06:22Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CSantosThu 08:22Light rain. Cloudy. Mild.22 °C
GustaviaThu 07:22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CSão PauloThu 08:22Light rain. Cloudy. Mild.22 °C
IbarraThu 06:22Mostly cloudy. Cool.8 °CScarboroughThu 07:22Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
ImperatrizThu 08:22Light rain. Partly sunny. Mild.22 °CSincelejoThu 06:22Fog. Mild.24 °C
IquitosThu 06:22Partly sunny. Mild.24 °CStanleyThu 08:22Partly sunny. Mild.22 °C
La PazThu 07:22Fog. Quite cool.6 °CTandilThu 08:22Fog. Mild.19 °C
La PlataThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CTrinidadThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.20 °C
LimaThu 06:22Clear. Mild.21 °CTrujilloThu 06:22Fog. Mild.18 °C
LindenThu 07:22Scattered clouds. Mild.24 °CTucumánThu 08:22Sunny. Mild.21 °C
MaceióThu 08:22Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °CValenciaThu 07:22Clear. Mild.24 °C
Machu Picchu PuebloThu 06:22Light rain. Broken clouds. Cool.9 °CValparaíso *Thu 08:22Clear. Cool.16 °C
MaldonadoThu 08:22Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CVillavicencioThu 06:22Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
ManausThu 07:22Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CViña del Mar *Thu 08:22Sunny. Cool.15 °C
ManizalesThu 06:22Overcast. Mild.20 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (6 places).

Thu = Thursday, 30 January 2025 (113 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Thursday, 30 January 2025, 11:22:00

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

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