Haiti starts DST, will follow U.S. schedule in future
Haiti started Daylight Saving Time (DST) at 2 am (02:00) local time on March 10, 2013 when clocks were advanced by one hour. According to the Haitian media, the country will follow the United States' DST schedule in 2013 and in the future.

Haiti started observing DST on Sunday, March 10, 2013. It will follow United State's DST schedule in the future.
Haiti's new DST schedule
Like the United States, Haiti will switch to Daylight Saving Time every year on the second Sunday in March, and end the DST period on the first Sunday in November. In 2013, Haiti will switch back to standard time at 2 am (02:00) local time on November 3.
DST dates worldwide - first half of 2013
DST dates worldwide - second half of 2013
Please note: As Haiti's DST schedule has often changed at short notice in the past, timeanddate.com classifies all future switch dates in Haiti as preliminary. Keep in touch with our Time Zone News to stay up-to-date about changes in the DST schedule.
Daylight Saving Time in Haiti
Haiti and its capital, Port-au-Prince, followed the U.S. Daylight Saving Time schedule in 2012. Before that, the country observed DST in 2005 and 2006 as well as every year from 1983 to 1997.
Haiti's Time Zone
Haiti shares the same time zone as Eastern Time in the United States and Canada. The country observes Eastern Standard Time (EST) during the non-daylight saving time period. During DST it observes Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). EST is 5 hours, EDT 4 hours behind UTC.