Total Lunar Eclipse LIVE - Event has passed

Event in UTC on Monday, 21 January 2019, 03:00:00

Event Time in UTC, Time Zone

Monday, 21 January 2019
END 07:00

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Current time: Thu, 13:34:21

Converted Time Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Monday, 21 January 2019
END 15:00

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Current time: Thu, 21:34:21

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The Event Time Announcer converts the time of your planned event to local times all over the world for easy sharing and linking.

Event Times Around the World

LocationStart timeEnd timeLocationStart timeEnd timeLocationStart timeEnd time
AccraMon 03:00Mon 07:00EdmontonSun 20:00Mon 00:00NairobiMon 06:00Mon 10:00
Addis AbabaMon 06:00Mon 10:00FrankfurtMon 04:00Mon 08:00NassauSun 22:00Mon 02:00
Adelaide *Mon 13:30Mon 17:30Guatemala CitySun 21:00Mon 01:00New DelhiMon 08:30Mon 12:30
AlgiersMon 04:00Mon 08:00HalifaxSun 23:00Mon 03:00New OrleansSun 21:00Mon 01:00
AlmatyMon 09:00Mon 13:00HanoiMon 10:00Mon 14:00New YorkSun 22:00Mon 02:00
AmmanMon 05:00Mon 09:00HarareMon 05:00Mon 09:00OsloMon 04:00Mon 08:00
AmsterdamMon 04:00Mon 08:00HavanaSun 22:00Mon 02:00OttawaSun 22:00Mon 02:00
AnadyrMon 15:00Mon 19:00HelsinkiMon 05:00Mon 09:00ParisMon 04:00Mon 08:00
AnchorageSun 18:00Sun 22:00Hong KongMon 11:00Mon 15:00PerthMon 11:00Mon 15:00
AnkaraMon 06:00Mon 10:00HonoluluSun 17:00Sun 21:00PhiladelphiaSun 22:00Mon 02:00
AntananarivoMon 06:00Mon 10:00HoustonSun 21:00Mon 01:00PhoenixSun 20:00Mon 00:00
Asuncion *Mon 00:00Mon 04:00IndianapolisSun 22:00Mon 02:00PragueMon 04:00Mon 08:00
AthensMon 05:00Mon 09:00IslamabadMon 08:00Mon 12:00ReykjavikMon 03:00Mon 07:00
AtlantaSun 22:00Mon 02:00IstanbulMon 06:00Mon 10:00Rio de Janeiro *Mon 01:00Mon 05:00
Auckland *Mon 16:00Mon 20:00JakartaMon 10:00Mon 14:00RiyadhMon 06:00Mon 10:00
BaghdadMon 06:00Mon 10:00JerusalemMon 05:00Mon 09:00RomeMon 04:00Mon 08:00
BangkokMon 10:00Mon 14:00JohannesburgMon 05:00Mon 09:00Salt Lake CitySun 20:00Mon 00:00
BarcelonaMon 04:00Mon 08:00KabulMon 07:30Mon 11:30San FranciscoSun 19:00Sun 23:00
BeijingMon 11:00Mon 15:00KarachiMon 08:00Mon 12:00San JuanSun 23:00Mon 03:00
BeirutMon 05:00Mon 09:00KathmanduMon 08:45Mon 12:45San SalvadorSun 21:00Mon 01:00
BelgradeMon 04:00Mon 08:00KhartoumMon 05:00Mon 09:00Santiago *Mon 00:00Mon 04:00
BengaluruMon 08:30Mon 12:30KingstonSun 22:00Mon 02:00Santo DomingoSun 23:00Mon 03:00
BerlinMon 04:00Mon 08:00KinshasaMon 04:00Mon 08:00São Paulo *Mon 01:00Mon 05:00
BogotaSun 22:00Mon 02:00KiritimatiMon 17:00Mon 21:00SeattleSun 19:00Sun 23:00
BostonSun 22:00Mon 02:00KolkataMon 08:30Mon 12:30SeoulMon 12:00Mon 16:00
Brasilia *Mon 01:00Mon 05:00Kuala LumpurMon 11:00Mon 15:00ShanghaiMon 11:00Mon 15:00
BrisbaneMon 13:00Mon 17:00Kuwait CityMon 06:00Mon 10:00SingaporeMon 11:00Mon 15:00
BrusselsMon 04:00Mon 08:00KyivMon 05:00Mon 09:00SofiaMon 05:00Mon 09:00
BucharestMon 05:00Mon 09:00La PazSun 23:00Mon 03:00St. John'sSun 23:30Mon 03:30
BudapestMon 04:00Mon 08:00LagosMon 04:00Mon 08:00StockholmMon 04:00Mon 08:00
Buenos AiresMon 00:00Mon 04:00LahoreMon 08:00Mon 12:00SuvaMon 15:00Mon 19:00
CairoMon 05:00Mon 09:00Las VegasSun 19:00Sun 23:00Sydney *Mon 14:00Mon 18:00
CalgarySun 20:00Mon 00:00LimaSun 22:00Mon 02:00TaipeiMon 11:00Mon 15:00
Canberra *Mon 14:00Mon 18:00LisbonMon 03:00Mon 07:00TallinnMon 05:00Mon 09:00
Cape TownMon 05:00Mon 09:00LondonMon 03:00Mon 07:00TashkentMon 08:00Mon 12:00
CaracasSun 23:00Mon 03:00Los AngelesSun 19:00Sun 23:00TegucigalpaSun 21:00Mon 01:00
CasablancaMon 03:00Mon 07:00MadridMon 04:00Mon 08:00TehranMon 06:30Mon 10:30
ChicagoSun 21:00Mon 01:00ManaguaSun 21:00Mon 01:00TokyoMon 12:00Mon 16:00
CopenhagenMon 04:00Mon 08:00ManilaMon 11:00Mon 15:00TorontoSun 22:00Mon 02:00
DallasSun 21:00Mon 01:00Melbourne *Mon 14:00Mon 18:00VancouverSun 19:00Sun 23:00
Dar es SalaamMon 06:00Mon 10:00Mexico CitySun 21:00Mon 01:00ViennaMon 04:00Mon 08:00
DarwinMon 12:30Mon 16:30MiamiSun 22:00Mon 02:00WarsawMon 04:00Mon 08:00
DenverSun 20:00Mon 00:00MinneapolisSun 21:00Mon 01:00Washington DCSun 22:00Mon 02:00
DetroitSun 22:00Mon 02:00MinskMon 06:00Mon 10:00WinnipegSun 21:00Mon 01:00
DhakaMon 09:00Mon 13:00MontevideoMon 00:00Mon 04:00YangonMon 09:30Mon 13:30
DohaMon 06:00Mon 10:00MontréalSun 22:00Mon 02:00ZagrebMon 04:00Mon 08:00
DubaiMon 07:00Mon 11:00MoscowMon 06:00Mon 10:00ZürichMon 04:00Mon 08:00
DublinMon 03:00Mon 07:00MumbaiMon 08:30Mon 12:30

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (10 places).

Sun = Sunday, 20 January 2019 (45 places).
Mon = Monday, 21 January 2019 (98 places).

UTC (GMT/Zulu)-time: Monday, 21 January 2019, 03:00:00

UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.

Questions about this event? Please contact the person or organization that created this announcement, not us at

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