New Service: Ever had a need to find out what weekday a specific date fell on? Did you spend hours digging out old calendars or looking up future ones to find out? You don't have to waste your time going through calendars anymore. Our awesome new Weekday Calculator will not only calculate the weekday for a specific date for you, but will also give you tons of additional information about the date you are interested in. Calculate the weekday for any date |
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| Would you rather calculate the weekday for a date yourself? We can help! Use the Doomsday Algorithm to learn how to quickly calculate the weekday for any date in your head. Now, you can impress your friends, and be the star of any party! Read More | |
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| Are you an eclipse chaser, an avid astronomer, or just a curious observer of the skies? With 2 lunar eclipses and 2 solar eclipses, 2013 will be a busy year for you. Use our Eclipse Calculator to find out if you can view an eclipse from your location in 2013. Read More | |
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Time Zone News Sunday, March 10: Daylight Saving Time Begins in USA & Canada
Chile Extends DST to April 27, 2013
Russia likely to switch to permanent winter time
Sunday, February 17, 2013: Brazil ends Daylight Saving Time
Colorado and Utah Stop Bills to Abolish DST
Did you know...
that Februrary 30 was once a real date? When making the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, some countries added two extra days to February. Find out more about the switch from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar
Tip of the month

If you are heading to the countryside soon, or are going on a camping trip, remember to look for a rare optical phenomenon in the sky called Zodiacal Lights or False Dawn right after sunset or before dawn. These occur when sunlight reflects off cosmic dust in space. Read More
About Us
timeanddate.com came online in 1998. We have accurate and reliable information on times, time zones, calendars, and calculators. Full story |