Articles About February (7)

About the 12 Months
Why are there 12 months? How long are they, and what do the month names mean?

Astro Events 2025
When, where, and how to see things happening in the sky and space.

Leap Day February 29
When is the next Leap Year? A Leap Year consists of 366 days – not 365 – where February 29 is added as an extra day at the end of February.

February 30
February 30 actually existed at least twice in the past, according to historical records.

The Month of February
February is the second month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is the shortest month with only 28 days in common years and 29 days in leap years.

Leap Day Birthdays
When do “leaplings” celebrate their birthdays and when can they legally buy alcohol or get a driver's licence?

February: Snow Moon
The February Full Moon is named after the snow on the ground. Some Native American tribes named this the Hunger Moon, others call it the Storm Moon.