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Moon Distances for Hong Kong, Hong Kong

The Moon Distance Calculator calculates the approximate minumum and maximum distances from the Moon to the Earth.

The Moon's distance to Earth varies. The two extreme points of the Moon’s orbit each month are known as the lunar perigee and apogee. The table below shows the time of lunar perigee and apogee.

Closest Approach (Perigee)

DateLocal TimeDistance in kmDistance in miles
8 Jan08:01370,171 km230,013 mi
2 Feb10:47367,457 km228,327 mi
2 Mar05:21361,964 km224,914 mi
30 Mar13:25358,128 km222,530 mi
28 Apr00:17357,118 km221,903 mi
26 May09:34359,022 km223,086 mi
23 Jun12:44363,178 km225,668 mi
20 Jul21:55368,041 km228,690 mi
15 Aug01:59369,288 km229,465 mi
10 Sep20:10364,777 km226,662 mi
8 Oct20:39359,819 km223,581 mi
6 Nov06:27356,833 km221,726 mi
4 Dec19:06356,962 km221,806 mi
* Distances are approximate. Closest Approach (Perigee) is highlighted.

Furthest Apart (Apogee)

DateLocal TimeDistance in kmDistance in miles
21 Jan12:54404,298 km251,219 mi
18 Feb09:10404,882 km251,582 mi
18 Mar00:36405,754 km252,124 mi
14 Apr06:48406,295 km252,460 mi
11 May08:47406,244 km252,428 mi
7 Jun18:43405,554 km251,999 mi
5 Jul10:29404,627 km251,423 mi
2 Aug04:36404,161 km251,134 mi
29 Aug23:33404,548 km251,374 mi
26 Sep17:46405,548 km251,996 mi
24 Oct07:30406,444 km252,553 mi
20 Nov10:48406,691 km252,706 mi
17 Dec14:09406,322 km252,477 mi
* Distances are approximate. Furthest Apart (Apogee) is highlighted.



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