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Dec22 Fun Holiday – Date Nut Bread Day

On December 22 add date nut bread to your holiday baking list because it is Date Nut Bread Day.

Pine nut and date bread.

Date nut bread is a delicious way to add healthy nuts to your diet.


Made with different kinds of nuts like walnuts and pecans and dates that give it its distinct sweet flavor, date nut bread is thought to have been first baked in England.

Ancient Fruit

Grown in many parts of the world, dates are the fruit of the date palm. Food historians believe that the date palm was first cultivated for its fruit in the Middle East around 6000 BC. Farmers classify dates based on their texture and the sugar content into 3 types. These are soft, dry and semi-dry dates.

Date Nut Bread Day is an unofficial holiday which is also known as National Date Nut Bread Day.

How to Celebrate?

  • Bake date nut bread and share with family, friends and coworkers. Remind them that it is a healthy treat.
  • What about making little muffins instead of making a loaf of the bread?
  • Experiment with the flavors of your date nut bread. What about adding strawberries to it? Or chocolate chips? Make a banana date nut bread or an orange date nut bread instead. Serve toasted slices of the bread with a pat of butter.

Did You Know…

…that contrary to popular belief, a peanut is not a nut, but is part of the legume family?

Date Nut Bread Day Observances

Fun Holiday: Date Nut Bread Day Observances
2025Mon22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2026Tue22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2027Wed22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2028Fri22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2029Sat22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2030Sun22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2031Mon22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2032Wed22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2033Thu22 DecDate Nut Bread Day
2034Fri22 DecDate Nut Bread Day

See all Fun Holidays

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