Articles About Comets (15)

What Are Comets?
Icy leftovers from the birth of the solar system.

Astro Events 2025
When, where, and how to see things happening in the sky and space.

Astronomical Glossary - Terms & Definitions
What do astronomers really mean when they use those technical terms?

Meteors: How to See
Tips on how and where to see shooting stars.

What Are Asteroids?
Learn more about these space rocks orbiting the Sun.

What Is a Meteor Shower?
Shooting stars produced when Earth travels through debris from a comet or asteroid.

All about Comet Lovejoy
Comet Lovejoy (C/2013 R1) is one of 3 comets that will grace the skies in November, 2013.

All about Comet ISON
Everything you need to know about Comet ISON or C/2012 S1.

2013: Year of comets
2013 is going to be a good year for comet watchers, with at least 3 comets that may be visible without the aid of sophisticated equipment.

Comet Encke (2P/Encke)
Comet Encke (2P/Encke) is a periodic comet which graced the skies in November, 2013.

3 comets in 2013
Three comets - comet ISON, comet Lovejoy and comet Encke will grace the winter skies in 2013.

Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2)
Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2) will become visible to the naked eye in the next few days.

Brightest Comet of 2018
Comet 46P/Wirtanen will grace the night sky in December 2018. Find when, how, and where to see the brightest comet of the year with your naked eyes.

Brightest Comet of 2020
Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE will grace the night sky in July 2020. Find when, how, and where to see the brightest comet of the year with your naked eyes.

The Solar System
Everything that orbits the Sun is part of the solar system.