Bolivians delay Daylight Saving Time
The Bolivian government’s plan to start daylight saving time (DST) in 2011 has been delayed, and Bolivians must wait until the summer of 2012 before they can move clocks forward.

Bolivian cities, to have DST in 2012.
© Wiedemann
No consensus
Bolivia’s Energy Minister José Luis Gutiérrez said in early October that the DST plan was postponed until 2012 because there was no consensus on the matter.
The Bolivian government originally planned to implement DST from September to March each year, starting in 2011.
No formal date has been set for when DST starts in Bolivia next year, but all updates will be on DST dates worldwide in 2012.
In the meantime, the Bolivian government will continue to raise public awareness about daylight saving benefits.