Articles About Atmospheric Phenomena (17)

What Are Rainbows?
When sunlight hits water droplets, we see a rainbow. How does it work?

Twilight, dawn, & dusk
Learn more about different kinds of twilight, dawn and dusk.

The Golden Hour – When Sunlight Turns Magical
When the Sun is close to the horizon, its light appears warmer and softer. Explore the definition of the golden hour, along with helpful photography tips.

Civil Twilight – Civil Dawn & Dusk
Civil twilight is the brightest of the twilight phases. How is it defined and when does it start and end? What are civil dawn and civil dusk?

Northern and Southern Lights
What causes these colorful and dramatic light displays in the sky, and when and from where can you see them?

Nautical Twilight – Nautical Dawn & Dusk
Nautical twilight is the second twilight phase. How is it defined and when does it start and end? What are nautical dawn and nautical dusk?

Astronomical Twilight – Astronomical Dawn & Dusk
Astronomical twilight is the darkest of the twilight phases. How is it defined and when does it start and end? What are astronomical dawn and astronomical dusk?

Lunar Eclipse: Red Moon
Find out why a totally eclipsed Moon turns a shade of red.

Astronomical Glossary - Terms & Definitions
What do astronomers really mean when they use those technical terms?

What Are Moonbows?
Moonbows occur when the Moon’s light is reflected and refracted off water droplets in the air.

What Is Dusk?
Dusk generally refers to the transition from day to night. However, the scientific definition is more specific and consists of three stages of dusk.

What Is Dawn?
Dawn generally refers to the transition from night to day. However, the scientific definition refers to three separate and definable stages of dawn.

The Moon Illusion
Some days, the Full Moon at the horizon looks larger than a normal Full Moon. Does the Moon really change size or is this an illusion?

The Blue Hour
The blue hour in the morning and evening is a favorite with photographers. When does it start & end? Explanation with times, degrees & photography tips.

Halos, Sundogs and Light Pillars
These are atmospheric phenomena created by the reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere.

Rayleigh Scattering
Why does the sky turn red during sunrise and sunset?

Zodiacal Light
Also known as false dawn, zodiacal light is a rare optical phenomena that occur around sunset and sunrise in early spring and late fall.